JarToExe Convert Tool Support Page
Function: Convert JAR archive into Executive.
[updated: Mar 15, 2009]
1. Java Runtime Environment for Executive
When generated Exe runs, JRE is needed.
The generated Exe can find JRE in many ways: "Registry", "Environment", "Configuration File". If JRE's location can be found in both Registry and configuration, the one in configuration file is used:
- Configuration File
Use item "jvmdll" in configuration file to appoint JRE. [ refer to: Configuration]
- Registry
Install JRE normally, then generated Exe can find the JRE itself from registry.
- Environment Variable
Use JAVA_HOME or JRE_HOME to tell the directory of JDK or JRE, the generated Exe can find JRE appointed itself.
- JRE search order
Use item "jre_order" in configuration file to set search order. [ refer to: Configuration]
2. Configure Other .jar Files Needed
If other jar files are needed when generated Exe runs, the jar needed can be appended through environment or configuration file:
- Environment Variable
Use CLASSPATH or CLASS_PATH to append jar files.
- Configuration File
Use item "classpath" in configuration file to append. [ refer to: Configuration]
- Wrap depended jars into created exe file together
Without being extracted, depended jar files can be wrapped into generated exe file.
- Configuration File [new since
Use item "libs" to set a
directory to contain depended jar files.
3. Set JVM Parameters
More JVM parameters such as "-X", "-D", can be set through configuration file:
- Configuration File
Use item "option" in configuration file to set. [ refer to: Configuration]
- Configure property
Use item "property" in configuration file to set system property.
For example: "property a=1" equivalent to "option -Da=1"
- Refer to OS environment
Use %name% to refer to OS environment in option and property.
4. The Full Path of The Generated Exe
When generated Exe runs, the full exe path can be gotten through System Property:
String exepath = System.getProperty("j2e.app.path"); |
To get the directory of exe file:
String exedir = System.getProperty("application.home"); |
5. About Configuration File
5.1 The Rule of Configuration File Name
The file name: the same as the generated exe file name.
Ext name: ".cfg" or ".config".
Example: for exe file "test.exe", the corresponding configuration file should be "test.cfg" or "test.config". If both of these two files exist, the ".cfg" will be used only.
5.2 Use Item "jvmdll" to Appoint JRE
In configuration file, use item "jvmdll" to appoint certain JRE.
If the path of jvm.dll appointed starts with "/" or "Disk Letter", it is regarded as absolute path. If the path starts with "Directory", it is regarded as relative path.
Example: in test.cfg, if JRE is appointed with absolute path:
jvmdll C:\j2sdk1.4.2\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll |
If the directory of jre1.5.0 is copied to the same directory as the exe file, relative path should be used to appoint the JRE:
jvmdll jre1.5.0\bin\client\jvm.dll |
The method of appointing JRE with relative path, is often used in development. If the JRE is copied and shipped with exe, no other JRE is needed when runs.
5.3 Use Item "classpath" to Configure Other .jar Files Needed
If other jar files are needed when exe runs, they can be appended by item "classpath". Use ";" to separate more than one jar files.
classpath E:\proj\classes;.;D:\lib1.jar;D:\lib2.jar |
5.4 Use Item "option" to Set More JVM Parameters
In configuration file, item "option" can be used to set JVM parameters "-X", "-D".
Example, define a System Property: (Don't leave space around "=" or after "-D)
option -Dmyprog.settings=C:\thefile.ini |
Then, the following code can get the setting:
String where = System.getProperty("myprog.settings"); |
5.5 Use "jre_order" to set the JRE search order
Generated exe can find JRE from:
c - configuration
e - environments
s - SUN jre registry
i - IBM jre registry
The default order is : jre_order=csie , use different char order to set the JRE search order.
6. About Option "-target" of Javac
When we compile java files with tool "javac.exe" of JDK, we can use option "-target" to generate class files for specific VM version. Those classes, which are generated for higher version of VM, could not be launched by lower version of VM.
For the classes' compatibility, we should use as low "-target" version as we can. Unless that, new feature of certain version of JDK is used, or one class in certain version of JDK is used.
Usually, we should use:
D:\>javac -target 1.2 test/Hello.java |
For JDK 1.5, we should use:
D:\>javac -source 1.3 -target 1.2 test/Hello.java |
7. About Generated Windows NT Service
7.1 Start And Stop of The Service
Common console program written in Java, can be run as Windows NT Service. After the task finished, that is to say, when main() returns, or System.exit() is called halfway, the service is stopped.
If the task runs in a long time, for example sleep() or accept() is used, the service can stay "Running" status all through. The service can be stopped by the Windows Service Manager or by command "net stop".
7.2 Pause And Continue of The Service
According to requirement, if PAUSE/CONTINUE is needed, we can implement the interface ServiceStatusHandler and let canPause() return true:
import com.regexlab.j2e.*;
public class MyHandler implements ServiceStatusHandler
public boolean canPause()
return true;
} |
Then create a MyHandler instance, pass it the ServiceStatusManager:
ServiceStatusManager.setServiceStatusHandler(new MyHandler()); |
Now, the service can be paused by Windows Service Manager or "net pause" command. Also, the service status can be set by java program itself:
ServiceStatusManager.setServiceStatus(ServiceStatusManager.STATUS_PAUSED); |
These two class can be downloaded. [ refer to: ServiceStatusHandler]
7.3 Installation And Uninstallation of The Service
Generated Windows NT Service type of exe, can install/uninstall the service by itself. Use "/install" as parameter to intall. For example, [Demo 3]:
If install to auto run when system startup:
D:\>service.exe /install auto |
Use "/uninstall" to uninstall:
D:\>service.exe /uninstall |
Install service as interactive mode (since 1.8.3):
D:\>service.exe /install /interactive |
7.4 Test Run of The Service Program
In order to check the JRE and configuration, use "/test" to run the Service program as a console program:
7.5 Class ServiceStatusManager.java
At the bottom of this page, code of interface between Java and Windows Service Manager could be downloaded. One of the classes:
public class ServiceStatusManager; |
This class is used to set Service status actively from Java:
public static void setServiceStatus(int status); |
7.6 Interface ServiceStatusHandler.java
The other one is an interface:
public interface ServiceStatusHandler; |
This interface is used: get the event when service status is changed by Windows Service Manager of Command "net stop".
package com.regexlab.j2e;
public interface ServiceStatusHandler
* Tell the service manager whether PAUSE/CONTINUE is supported.
* @return true means this service can be paused
public boolean canPause();
* Pause/continue event handle methods
* @return must return true if pause successfully
public boolean onPause();
* Pause/continue event handle methods
* @return must return true if continue successfully
public boolean onContinue();
* Stop service event handle method
* @return no use
public boolean onStop();
} |
Usage: implements this interface, pass the instance to ServiceStatusManager:
ServiceStatusManager.setServiceStatusHandler(new MyHandler()); |
Refer to "demo 4" to create a Windows NT Service supports PAUSE/CONTINUE.
7.7 Interface Code And Doc
Download: [Interface Download] - 4kb
Document: [javadoc]