Demo 3: Build and create a Window NT Service
Function: Convert JAR archive into Executive.
Part 1: Build a java program and create a jar charchive
1. Compose a java program D:\test\
The function of the demo service: Listen on a port (for example 1234). Create a new thread when a client connects. Then, the service thread will echo back whatever the client send, until 'q' to to stop serve:
package test;
public class HelloService implements Runnable
// socket
private Socket m_sock;
// Constructor
public HelloService(Socket sock)
m_sock = sock;
// Runnable method
public void run()
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(m_sock.getInputStream())
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(
// welcome
out.println("---- Welcome! Type 'q' to EXIT: ----");
// echo back until 'q'
String line;
while( (line = in.readLine()) != null )
if( line.equalsIgnoreCase("q") )
// close socket and exit this thread
catch(Exception e)
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
// listen: 1234
ServerSocket listen = new ServerSocket(1234);
// accept
Socket socket = listen.accept();
// open thread to serve
Thread thread = new Thread(new HelloService(socket));
} |
2. Compile, we get HelloService.class:
D:\>javac -target 1.2 test/ |
3. Use jar.exe to create service.jar:
D:\>jar cvf service.jar test/HelloService.class |
Part 2: Use tool to create .exe file
1. Download and install this free tool:
[Free Edition Download]
2. Select the jar file, then press next to continue:
3. Select the application type. Here "Windows NT Service":
4. Input the main class to start and the service name:
5. Type in the exe filename you want to get:
6. Press next, the exe file is generated.
Part 3: Run the Exe file
1. Windows NT Service installation and startup:
2. Use the service. Let's us telnet:
D:\>telnet localhost 1234 |
3. Service stop and uninstallation:
4. Test the service program on console:
The service is running, and can be tested by telnet equally.
5. Download the program and result exe in this demo:
[] - 15kb
More Demos:
Demo 1: How to generate a CONSOLE application in java?
Demo 2: How to generate a Windows GUI application in java?
Demo 4: Window NT Service supports PAUSE/CONTINUE.
Demo 5: System Taskbar Tray Icon and Event Log