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Demo 2: Generate a Windows GUI Application

Function: Convert JAR archive into Executive.

Part 1: Build a java program and create a jar charchive

1. Compose a java program D:\test\

package test;

import java.awt.Toolkit;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JTextField;

public class HelloWorld extends JFrame
    public HelloWorld()
        JTextField text = new JTextField("Hello, world");
    public static void main(String argv[])
        HelloWorld win = new HelloWorld();
        Toolkit    tk  = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();

        int Width  = tk.getScreenSize().width;
        int Height = tk.getScreenSize().height;

        // size and pos
        win.setSize(100, 100);
        win.setLocation((Width - 100) / 2, (Height - 100) / 2);

        // show

2. Compile, we get HelloWorld.class:

D:\>javac -target 1.2 test/

3. Use jar.exe to create test2.jar:

D:\>jar cvf test2.jar test/HelloWorld.class

Part 2: Use free tool to create .exe file

1. Download and install this free tool:

[Free Edition Download]

2. Launch J2EWizard, select the jar file, then press next to continue:

3. Select the application type. Here we select "Windows GUI Application":

4. Input the main class to start:

5. Type in the exe filename you want to get:

6. Press next, the exe file is generated.

Part 3: Run the Exe file

1. Double click or type on console: test2, the result:

2. Download the program and result exe in this demo:

[] - 20kb

More Demos:

Demo 1: How to generate a CONSOLE application in java?

Demo 3: How to build and create a Window NT Service in java?

Demo 4: Window NT Service supports PAUSE/CONTINUE.

Demo 5: System Taskbar Tray Icon and Event Log © 2005 - All Rights Reserved