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Match Tool 2.1

Match Tool 3.0


DEELX Basic Pattern Syntax: Repeat Quantifier

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Repeat Quantifier

Make another expression repeat matching many times.


Can make other expression repeat matching fixed times and various times.

By default, a quantified subpattern is "greedy", that is, it will match as many times as possible (given a particular starting location) while still allowing the rest of the pattern to match.




Repeat fixed n times, example: "\w{2}" equivalent to "\w\w"

{m, n}

Match n times if possible, m times least, example: "ba{1,3}" can "ba","baa","baaa"

{m, }

As many as possible, m times least, example: "\w\d{2,}" can "a12","x456"...


Match 1 time if possible, 0 time if could not match, equivalent to {0, 1}


As many as possible, 1 times least, equivalent to {1, }


As many as possible, 0 times if could not match, equivalent to {0, }

"Reluctant" quantifier:

If a quantifier is followed by a question mark(?), it becomes a "reluctant" quantifier. Reluctant quantifiers will match the minimum number of times possible.



{m, n}?

Match only m times if possible, at most n times.

{m, }?

Match only m times if possible, can match as many times as necessary.


Match 0 time if possible, at most 1 time, equivalent to {0, 1}?


Match only 1 time if possible, can match as many times as necessary, {1, }?


Match 0 time if possible, can match as many times as necessary, {0, }?

"Possessive" quantifiers:

If a quantifier is followed by a plus(+), it becomes a "possessive" quantifiers. Possessive quantifiers, which greedily match as much as they can and do not back off, even when doing so would allow the overall match to succeed.



{m, n}+

Match n times if possible, m times at least.

{m, }+

As many times as possible, m times at least.


Match 1 time if possible, match 0 time if could not, equivalent to {0, 1}+


As many as possible, 1 times least, equivalent to {1, }+


As many as possible, 0 times if could not match, equivalent to {0, }+ © 2005 - All Rights Reserved